Mudar o regime Servir Portugal

Manuel Beninger

segunda-feira, 28 de abril de 2014

Missa 5º Aniversário Canonização de São Frei Nuno de Santa Maria

Celebration Mass of the 5th Anniversary of the Canonization of Saint Nuno and of Investiture of new Conferes.
The restoration of this image of Saint Nuno sculpted by Master artist José Thedim in 1918 belonging to the Parish of Our Castle, was recently sponsored by the Royal Confraternity. The same Sculpter, known as the "Migelangelo of Portugal" made the image of Our Lady of Fatima in the Capelinha and the miraculous Pilgrim Virgin images.
"Nuno is a Saint and does not need us to beleive in him any longer, although he always stands ready to help us. We rather need him now to beleive in us. To beleive that we can make a difference in our lives and in the lives of others, as he did. Let us work to make him proud and to continue his example and pay honor to his name and his memory by keeping alive his devotion to the Holy Eucharist, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to the poor and to portugal". 
Carlos Evaristo in his welcome address to the newly invested Conferes.

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